Avoid using sharp objects: After the film is applied, the hardness of the table is 30 times that of the desktop, but it is still necessary to avoid using sharp utensils or decorations to move on the desktop to avoid scratches or abrasions.
Timely cleaning of stains: If strawberry juice or chili oil drips onto the table, it should be wiped clean in a timely manner to avoid leaving marks.
Avoid using improper cleaning tools: Do not use a wire brush to maintain hygiene, but use a soft cotton cloth and detergent for cleaning.
Pay attention to the downtime of furniture: Furniture that has been coated with film needs to be out of use for a fixed period of 2-3 days, during which time do not touch, use, or wipe it.
Regular waxing: In the maintenance method of solid wood furniture, regular waxing can maintain the luster of the furniture and form a protective film. Before waxing, clean the stains thoroughly and be careful not to use strong chemical substances to remove them.
Dealing with glue marks: If there are glue marks on the desktop, you can choose to purchase a professional glue remover for treatment to avoid the glue marks affecting the appearance and practicality of the desktop.
If you have some relevant questions, welcome talk with me: stella@sinotxj.com
Post time: Aug-06-2024